mandag 27. september 2010

søndag 26. september 2010

lørdag 25. september 2010

torsdag 23. september 2010

Don't cry, don't pucker your swollen lips,
Don't gather them into creases,
For that would crack the dryness
Formed by the spring fever.

Take your hand off my breast,
We are high-tension cables.
Look out, or unawares
We shall again be thrown together.

(...) However many rings of pain
The night welds round me,
The opposing pull is stronger,
The passion to break away

Doctor Zhivago

onsdag 22. september 2010

tirsdag 21. september 2010

Joseph Cornell

lørdag 18. september 2010

  • Suksess gir sikkerhet, sikkerhet gir suksess.
Ulrich Schamoni

Mandala by C. G. Jung

I had to abandon the idea of the superordinate position of the ego. ... I saw that everything, all paths I had bee.n following, all steps I had taken, were leading back to a single point -- namely, to the mid-point. It became increasingly plain to me that the mandala is the centre. It is the exponent of all paths. It is the path to the centre, to individuation... I knew that in finding the mandala as an expression of the self I had attained what was for me the ultimate. - C. G. Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections
Drikker heksebrygg og har egentlig kunst-fri dag, men her er noen flere utvalgte pictures.

Til video:

onsdag 15. september 2010

Deep impact

Det er så fint å være her for det er så mye å se. Byen inspirerer selv om jeg er syk i dag. Endelig i gang meg arbeid, det vil si at det blir en fin høst.

tirsdag 14. september 2010

Käthe Kollwitz i Berlin

Jeg tror det er mitt favorittmuseum. Og nå bor jeg rett bortenfor der hun bodde.

In Treatment: Portrait of Alex (HBO)

Turbulent by Shirin Neshat

Mona Hatoum Measures of Disatnce 1 part

Mona Hatoum installation art

Michel Foucault

søndag 12. september 2010

11. september - 12 timer i Leipzig

 Birgit Brenner, "Eines Tages wird es soweit sein."
I try to cut all unnecessary and decorative moments out of my work, until there are only the fragments left that are required for the story. There shall only be the relevant frame. The beholder can fill up the lack of images by the fragmental telling with own associations. (Birgit Brenner)

Maix Mayer

Habitat, Maix Mayer
Viewing copy 22 min.

Jesse Aron Green

Ärztliche Zimmergymnastik: video stills

lørdag 11. september 2010

Zarina Bhimji, Waiting (2007)

The Lost Ones, Samuel Beckett (1970)
Abode where lost bodies roam each searching for its lost one. Vast enough for search to be in vain. Narrow enough for flight to be in vain. Inside a flattened cylinder fifty meters round and sixteen high for the sake of harmony. The light. Its dimness. Its yellowness.

Room with My Soul Left Out, Room That Does Not Care, Bruce Nauman (1969)

torsdag 9. september 2010

Bruce Nauman. Dream Passage 28 May - 10 October 2010


onsdag 8. september 2010

mandag 6. september 2010

søndag 5. september 2010


fredag 3. september 2010

torsdag 2. september 2010

onsdag 1. september 2010

det var her det hele begynte, derfor lover jeg å følge opp hver eneste dag

Fitter, happier, more productive,
not drinking too much,
regular exercise at the gym
(3 days a week),
getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries ,
at ease,
eating well
(no more microwave dinners and saturated fats),
a patient better driver,
a safer car
(baby smiling in back seat),
sleeping well
(no bad dreams),
no paranoia,
careful to all animals
(never washing spiders down the plughole),
keep in contact with old friends
(enjoy a drink now and then),
will frequently check credit at
(moral) bank (hole in the wall),
favors for favors,
fond but not in love,
charity standing orders,
on Sundays ring road supermarket
(no killing moths or putting boiling water on the ants),
car wash
(also on Sundays),
no longer afraid of the dark or midday shadows
nothing so ridiculously teenage and desperate,
nothing so childish - at a better pace,
slower and more calculated,
no chance of escape,
now self-employed,
concerned (but powerless),
an empowered and informed member of society
(pragmatism not idealism),
will not cry in public,
less chance of illness,
tires that grip in the wet
(shot of baby strapped in back seat),
a good memory,
still cries at a good film,
still kisses with saliva,
no longer empty and frantic
like a cat
tied to a stick,
that's driven into
frozen winter shit
(the ability to laugh at weakness),
healthier and more productive
a pig
in a cage
on antibiotics.

full auto machine gun firing demo
